Dr birhanu Ayana .MD
Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon / Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Sub-specialist
Dr Birhanu Ayana is a Consultant Orthopedic surgeon sub-specialized in pediatric orthopedic surgery. He Completed pediatric orthopedic surgery fellowship at Christian Medical College ,vellore india, He persued further short travelling fellowship training at Sickkids hospital, Toronto, Canada and Iowa University, Iwoa, USA. He is currently an associate professor of orthopedic surgery at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (Black Lion), Addis Ababa University
Dr .Birhanu has a vast experience and expertise in treating a wide range of pediatric Orthopedic conditions. Additionally, he deals with adult orthopedic problems related to trauma ,deformity and dislocations
Dr. Birhanu works as part time Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon and Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery at Marcia Surgical center.